These are tough lines for me to write, because I idolize Tolkien, and this book just isn’t his equal. The tale of Beren and Lúthien is one of the most moving and most important of Tolkien’s Legendarium, but this book, in its effort to trace the linguistic and narrative evolution of the story, is too fragmented to be a coherent narration, and not thorough enough to be a literary essay. Granted, Tolkien’s prose (somewhat less his poetry) is always a pleasure to read, even in its earliest and less refined stages, but this book doesn’t offer much else. // Per me è difficile scrivere queste righe, perché idolatro Tolkien, e questo libro, molto semplicemente, non è alla sua altezza. La storia di Beren and Lúthien è una delle più commoventi e più importanti dell’intero Legendarium Tolkieniano, ma questo libro, che tenta di ripercorrerne l’evoluzione linguistica e narrativa, risulta troppo frammentato per essere una narrazione coerente, e non abbastanza approfondito per ...
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1983)