[Lo so, lo so, ho in arretrato recensioni di libri che ho letto a gennaio di quest'anno. Shame on me . Ho comunque intenzione di recuperarle tutte, prima o poi.] This is my first Seanan McGuire book (I read - and enjoyed - the Newsflesh and Parasitology trilogies she published as Mira Grant), and what a book it is. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but it most definitely was not this amazing tale of alchemy, language and math, of intertwined souls and of learning to be who you are, of sacrifice and betrayal, of road better not taken and bonds better not broken. It's a hard book to define: it's certainly fantasy, but I couldn't say much beyond that; for sure it's unique and it's one of the most captivating, enthralling and moving books I read in a long time. // È il mio primo libro di Seanan McGuire (ho letto - e mi sono piaciute molto - le trilogie Newsflesh e Parasitology , che ha pubblicato come Mira Grant), ed è un grande...
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1983)