In this fifth volume of the Don Rosa Library are the final chapters of The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck , plus two non related stories, the Library being strictly chronological. (One, The Guardians of the Lost Library , is extremely good; the other, From Duckburg To Lillehammer , not so much.) I have always loved the hyper-detailed drawing style of Rosa, and his maniacal attention to historical background, and both are found aplenty in The Life and Times ; but it is much more than that. It's a uniquely adult (not in the sex sense, of course) take on the story of Scrooge McDuck that shows in every page the love of the author for the character, and an epic adventure tale in the vein of the great Hollywood kolossals of the '50s. As I said in my micro-review of the first part it's one of the best comic book sagas I ever read; not just in the Disney universe, ever. // In questo quinto volume della Don Rosa Library ci sono i capitoli finali della Saga ...
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1983)